Kevin's Things

My email is user42_kevin at host yahoo com au (and yes, that's lightly obscured against spam, "host" is not part of the hostname!). Not obscured in dist files (Perl Makefile.PL) and debs (control fields). Perl PAUSE account KRYDE is me. Bugs in the RT there are ok, or just email for anything quick and easy. Most downloadables are signed with my GPG key.

Big thanks to TuxFamily for hosting all this stuff. If you like what you see at TuxFamily then make a donation. The many TuxFamily hosted projects can be browsed or searched at Mine is user42.



Debian specifics:

PARI/GP bits:

Perl bits:

Emacs bits:

Emacs 23 and earlier bits (not needed in later versions):

Emacs 22 and earlier bits (not needed in later versions):

Emacs 21 bits (not needed in later versions):

Other software:

Old stuff:

Downloads are separate from the web pages. They start under
or (server generated listings)
or the same
or rsync://
The HTTPS SSL certificate is from tuxfamily. The FTP has SSL by its usual TLS command likewise. Most downloads have GPG signatures from me using my key. RSYNC has tree traversal options if you want to get a lot of stuff, though its compression of file content changes usually won't help on the kind of updates here.

Here's some random external links too.

This page Copyright 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Kevin Ryde.

This page created using GNU Emacs, one of few usable HTML editors.