
cl-loop-aplist.el adds some forms to Emacs cl.el loop macro,

for VAR being the alist-keys of ALIST
for VAR being the alist-values of ALIST
for VAR being the plist-values of-ref PLIST
        using-ref (plist-keys VAR2)
of-ref and using-ref mean the vars are setf-able targets. The plain looping can also be done with the builtin "destructuring" forms (see comments in the cl-loop-aplist.el).

cl-loop-aplist.el is free software (free as in freedom), published under the terms of the GNU General Public License (v3 or up).

Download version 5,

The sig is a Gnu PG ascii armoured signature generated from my key.

This page Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Kevin Ryde, except for the GPLv3 logo which is Copyright Free Software Foundation and used here in accordance with its terms.

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