
compilation-onewin.el makes Emacs show compilation-mode in a one-window frame. If you switch a compile window to full-frame then that's remembered and used for the next compile. This is handy if you sometimes have the usual split window but other times want a full-frame window.

compilation-onewin.el is free software (free as in freedom), published under the terms of the GNU General Public License (v3 or up).

Download version 4,

The .asc is a Gnu PG ascii armoured signature for compilation-onewin.el, generated from my key.

See also compilation addons for other bits for compilation-mode.

This page Copyright 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Kevin Ryde, except for the GPLv3 logo which is Copyright Free Software Foundation and used here in accordance with its terms.

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