All and only primitive Pythagorean triples are generated by three trees of Firstov, among which are the UAD tree of Berggren et al. and the Fibonacci boxes FB tree of Price and Firstov.
Alternative proofs are offered here for the conditions on primitive Pythagorean triple preserving matrices and that there are only three trees with a fixed set of matrices and single root.
Some coordinate and area results are obtained for the UAD tree. Further trees with varying children are possible, such as filtering the Calkin-Wilf tree of rationals.
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See Math::PlanePath::PythagoreanTree for Perl code implementing the trees. The corresponding PythagoreanTree section of the PlanePath image gallery has some pictures.
See Trees of Rationals for a similar treatment of positive rationals.
This page Copyright 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2022 Kevin Ryde.