
weblint.el runs the weblint program (the Perl HTML::Lint one) from within Emacs to check the syntax of HTML. The main feature is an after-save setup to check a file when saving.

index.html (64:1) <span> at (33:1) is never closed

weblint.el is free software (free as in freedom), published under the terms of the GNU General Public License (v3 or up).

Download version 5 here, either just the .el

Or a Debian package out of my repo, or the source for the package.

The sig files are Gnu PG ascii armoured signatures generated from my key. The source package includes a debian directory and some self-tests. The .el alone is enough to run it.

See my compilation-weblint.el for error regexps in Emacs 22 and earlier. The .deb and .tar.gz here include compilation-weblint.el too.

yahtml.el (part of yatex) can run weblint too, with its own mode for the lint output rather than compilation-mode.

This page Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Kevin Ryde, except for the GPLv3 logo which is Copyright Free Software Foundation and used here in accordance with its terms.

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